姓名:张立强 | 职称:副教授 | |
系属:能源与动力工程系 | 学历/学位:研究生/博士 | |
学科:动力工程及工程热物理 | 所学专业:热能工程 | |
电子邮箱:zhangliqiang@upc.edu.cn | ||
联系电话:18756963290 | ||
地址邮编:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号,266580 | ||
个人主页: | ||
教育经历: 2014年-2019年,中国科学技术大学,工程科学学院,动力工程及工程热物理专业,博士 2010年-2014年,山东大学,能源与动力工程学院,能源与动力工程专业,学士 工作经历: 2019年7月-2021年12月,小艾电竞,能源与动力工程系,团队博士后 2022年1月-至今,小艾电竞,能源与动力工程系,讲师 研究方向: 1.生物质热解及产物高值化利用 2.生物基碳材料开发利用 3.含油污泥热转化利用 承担课题: 1.金属-掺氮碳纳米片同源催化微藻两级热解产物定向调控机制研究(ZR202102270411,山东省自然科学基金青年基金, 主持) 2.基于组分的生物质分级热解机理研究 (20CX06028A, 中央高校基本科研基金, 主持) 3.生物质选择性脱灰耦合两级催化热解产物调控机制研究 (qdyy20190030, 青岛市博士后资助项目, 主持) 4.生物质热解稳定制备生物油及提质新技术(2012AA051803,863计划,参与) 5.基于产物导向的生物质热解选择性调控基础研究(2013CB228103,973计划,参与) 6.高品质生物油制备与分离提纯高值化工品(KGZD-EW-304-3,中科院重点部署,参与) 7.生物质热解气分级冷凝机理与目标产物富集机制研究(51676179,国家自然科学基金,参与) 发表论文: 1.Liqiang Zhang*, Jiaojiao Liu, Zexia Zhang, Zhengda Yang, Xinwei Wang, Dawei Li, Riyi Lin*. Research of the two-step pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass based on the cross coupling of components by Py-GC/MS[J]. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021. 2.Liqiang Zhang, Zhengda Yang,Jiaojiao Liu, Dawei Li, Shanshan Li, Xinwei Wang,Riyi Lin*. Comparative study on the one-step and two-step pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: Effects of two-step pyrolysis on improving product quality[J]. International Journal of Energy Research,2021, 45: 20219–20231. 3.Liqiang Zhang*, Shanshan Li, Zhengda Yang, Xinwei Wang, Dawei Li, Riyi Lin*. Comparative study on the two-step and one-step pyrolysis of lignin: effects of pyrolysis temperature and residence time on the product distribution[J]. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021. 4.Liqiang Zhang*,Jiaojiao Liu,Zhengda Yang, Shanshan Li,Xinwei Wang, Riyi Lin*.Two-step catalytic pyrolysis behavior and product distribution of rice husk impregnated with zinc acetate[J].Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021, 154(12-13): 105022. 5.Liqiang Zhang,Zhengda Yang,Shanshan Li,Xinwei Wang, Riyi Lin*. Comparative study on the two-step pyrolysis of different lignocellulosic biomass: effects of components[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2020,152: 104966. 6.Liqiang Zhang, Shanshan Li, Haozhi Ding, Xifeng Zhu*. Two-step pyrolysis of corncob for value-added chemicals and high quality bio-oil: Effects of alkali and alkali earth metals[J]. Waste Management, 2019, 87: 709-718. 7.Liqiang Zhang,Shanshan Li,Lingrui Huang,Xifeng Zhu*.Two-step pyrolysis characteristic of cellulose: Effects of pyrolysis temperature and residence time[J].Energy Sources,Part A: Recovery,Utilization,and Environmental Effects, 2019,41(20): 2481-2493. 8.张立强,李凯,宋飞跃,朱锡锋*. 黄豆秆两级连续热解特性研究[J]. 阳能学报(EI), 2019, 40(07): 1989-1996. 9.Liqiang Zhang, Shanshan Li, Kai Li*, Xifeng Zhu*. Two-step pyrolysis of corncob for value-added chemicals and high quality bio-oil: Effects of pyrolysis temperature and residence time[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 166: 260-267. 10.Liqiang Zhang, Lingrui Huang, Shanshan Li, Xifeng Zhu*. Study on two-step pyrolysis of walnut shell coupled with acid washing pretreatment[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018, 136: 1-7. 11.Liqiang Zhang, Kai Li*,Xifeng Zhu*. Study on two-step pyrolysis of soybean stalk by TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017,127: 91-98. 12.张立强, 李凯, 朱锡锋. 豆类秸秆两级热解特性研究[J]. 燃料化学学报(EI), 2016, 44(5): 534-539. 14.唐国徐, 张立强, 朱谢飞, 朱锡锋*. 核桃壳生物油蒸馏残渣制备活性炭[J]. 新型炭材料(EI), 2019, 4(05): 434-440. 15.Kai Li, Liqiang Zhang, Liang Zhu, Xifeng Zhu*. Comparative study on pyrolysis of lignocellulosic and algal biomass using pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 234: 48-52. 16.李姗姗, 潘洋, 张立强, 黄凌瑞, 朱锡锋*.乙酸锌对生物质热解产物分布及热解过程的影响[J].科学通报(EI), 2019, 64: 3244-3254. 17.Yiming Zhang, Xiefei Zhu, Liqiang Zhang, Xifeng Zhu*. Preparation and characterization of microemulsion fuels from diesel and model compound of walnut shell pyrolysis oil[J]. Fuel, 2019, 243: 478-484. 18.袁鑫华, 唐国徐, 张立强, 朱锡锋*. Ba2+沉淀法提取生物油馏分中的酚类物质[J]. 燃料化学学报(EI), 2019, 47(01): 53-59. 19.李时瑛, 朱谢飞, 张立强, 朱锡锋*. 基于不同萃取剂的生物油常压蒸馏研究[J]. 燃料化学学报(EI), 2019, 47(03): 312-317. 20.Qiang Ma, Zhengda Yang,Liqiang Zhang,Riyi Lin*, Xinwei Wang. Generation of hydrogen sulfide during the thermal enhanced oil recovery process under superheated steam conditions[J]. RSC Advance,2019, 9(58): 33990-33996. 21.宋飞跃,丁浩植, 张立强, 朱锡锋*. 生物质三组分混合热解耦合作用研究[J].太阳能学报(EI), 2019, 40(01): 149-156. 22.Xiefei Zhu, Kai Li, Liqiang Zhang, Xing Wu, Xifeng Zhu*. Comparative study on the evolution of physicochemical characteristics of biochar produced from bio-oil distillation residue under different induction atmosphere[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 157: 288-293. 23.Xiefei Zhu, Kai Li, Liqiang Zhang, Xing Wu, Xifeng Zhu*. Synergistic effects on thermochemical behaviors of co-pyrolysis between bio-oil distillation residue and bituminous coal[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 151:209-215. 24.Kai Li,Changpeng Zhu, Liqiang Zhang, Xifeng Zhu*. Study on pyrolysis characteristics of lignocellulosic biomass impregnated with ammonia source[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 209: 142-147. 会议论文 1.Liqiang Zhang. Two-step pyrolysis of rice husk for high quality products in a fixed bed reactor, The 5th International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems (NEFES 2020), Nov.2020 (online conference) Xi’an China, Invited speaker. 2.Liqiang Zhang, Shanshan Li, Lingrui Huang, Xifeng Zhu*. Study on two-step pyrolysis of walnut shell coupled with acid washing pretreatment, The 6th International Conference on Biomass Energy, Oct.2018 Wuhan China, Poster Presentation. 3.张立强, 李凯, 朱锡锋*. 黄豆秆两级热解特性研究. 第九届全国研究生生物质能研讨会. 2015.9, 河南郑州, 海报及口头报告. |