










  • 个人概况

  • 江苏扬中人,主要从事化学电源中电极材料的合成与组装,包括锂离子电池、钠离子电池及钾离子电池正负极材料的设计、制备与应用基础研究。截止目前,总共发表论文50余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文20余篇,包括Adv.Funct. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,Nano Res., Carbon, J. Power Sources, 科学通报等,被引用次数超过2000次,H因子21

  • 研究方向




  • 教育经历



  • 工作经历



  • 研究生指导情况

  • 指导硕士研究生5人。

  • 承担科研项目

  • 1.山东省重点研发计划,2018GGX102017,过渡金属碳酸盐材料的电化学储钠机制与性能调控研究,2018/01-2019/12

  • 2.中央高校基本科研业务费,17CX02039A,膦酸MOF碳化制备磷掺杂多孔碳材料及其钠电负极性能、机制研究,2017/01-2019/12

  • 3.山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,BS2015CL005,新型钠离子电池负极金属氧化物/有序多孔碳复合材料的制备及性能研究,2015/07-2017/07

  • 4.中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等资助,2015M570618,金属氧化物/有序多孔碳复合材料的制备及储钠性能研究,2014/07-2016/07

  • 5.青岛市博士后人员应用研究项目资助,2015233,基于金属有机框架化合物(MOF)的多孔含氮碳材料储锂性能研究,2014/07-2016/07

  • 发表论文(第一作者/通讯作者)

1.Wen, S.; Gu,X.*;Ding,X.; Dai, P.; Zhang, D.; Li, L.; Liu, D.; Zhao, X.*;Yang, J.*,Boosting Fast and Stable Alkali Metal Ion Storage by SynergisticEngineering of Oxygen Vacancy and Amorphous Structure. AdvancedFunctional Materials 2021,2106751.

2.Gu,X.*;Zhang,L.; Zhang, W.*;Liu, S.; Wen, S.; Mao, X.; Dai, P.; Li, L.; Liu, D.; Zhao, X.*;Guo, Z., CoSe-C@C Core-Shell Structure with Stable PotassiumStorage Performance Realized by Effective Solid ElectrolyteInterphase Layer. Journalof Materials Chemistry A 2021,9,11397.

3.Wen, S.; Gu,X.*;Ding,X.; Zhang, L.; Dai, P.; Li, L.; Liu, D.; Zhang, W.*;Zhao, X.*;Guo, Z., Constructing ultrastable electrode/electrolyte interfacefor rapid potassium ion storage capability via salt chemistry andinterfacial engineering. NanoResearch 2021,https://doi.org/10.1007/s12274-021-3830-0.

4.Zhang, K.;Du, W.; Qian, Z.; Lin, L.; Gu,X.*;Yang,J.*;Qian, Y., SiOx embedded in N-doped carbon nanoslices: A scalablesynthesis of high-performance anode material for lithium-ionbatteries. Carbon2021,178,202-210.

5.Zhang, L.;Gu,X.*;Mao,X.; Wen, S.; Dai, P.; Li, L.; Liu, D.; Zhao, X.*,Boosting fast and stable potassium storage of ironselenide/carbon nanocomposites by electrolyte salt and solventchemistry. Journalof Power Sources 2021,486,229373.

6.Mao, X.; Gu,X.*;Wen,S.; Zhang, L.; Dai, P.; Li, L.; Liu, D.; Li, D.; Li, Z.; Zhang,K.; Zhao, X.*,Carbon-coated NiSe nanoparticles anchored on reduced grapheneoxide: a high-rate and long-life anode for potassium-ionbatteries. SustainableEnergy & Fuels 2021,5(12), 3240-3246.

7.Luan, X.;Wang, C.; Wang, C.; Gu,X.*;Yang,J.; Qian, Y., Stable Lithium Deposition Enabled by anAcid-Treated g-C3N4 Interface Layer for a Lithium Metal Anode.ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces 2020,12(9), 11265-11272.

8.Zhang, K.;Mao, H.; Gu,X.*;Song,C.; Yang, J.*;Qian, Y., ZIF-Derived Cobalt-Containing N-Doped Carbon-CoatedSiOx Nanoparticles for Superior Lithium Storage. ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces 2020,12(6), 7206-7211.

9. Zhang, L.;Gu,X.*;Yan, C.; Zhang, S.; Li, L.; Jin, Y.; Zhao, S.; Wang, H.; Zhao,X.*, Titanosilicate Derived SiO2/TiO2@ C Nanosheets with HighlyDistributed TiO2 Nanoparticles in SiO2 Matrix as Robust LithiumIon Battery Anode. ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces201810(51), 44463-44471.

10. Yan,C; GuX.*;Zhang L.; Wang,Y.;Yan,L.;Liu,D.;Li,L.;Dai,P.; Zhao, X.*,Highly dispersed Zn nanoparticles confined in nanoporous carbonnetwork: promising anode materials for sodium and potassium ionbatteries.Journalof Materials Chemistry A2018,6,17371.

11. Gu,X.;Yan, C.; Yan, L.; Cao, L.; Niu, F.; Liu, D.; Dai, P.; Li, L.;Yang, J.; Zhao, X.*, Carbonates (bicarbonates)/reduced grapheneoxide as anode materials for sodium-ion batteries. Journalof Materials Chemistry A2017,5(47), 24645-24650.

12. Zhao, X.*;Yan, C.; Gu,X.*;Li, L.; Dai, P.; Li, D.; Zhang, H., Ultrafine TiO2Nanoparticles Confined in N-Doped Porous Carbon Networks asAnodes of High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries. ChemElectroChem2017,4(6), 1516-1522.

13. Gu,X.;Dai, P.; Li, L.; Li, J.; Li, D.; Zhang, H.; Zhao, X.*, PorousCarbon Polyhedrons with High‐Level Nitrogen‐Doping forHigh‐Performance Sodium‐Ion Battery Anodes.ChemistrySelect2016,1(20), 6442-6447.

14. Gu,X.;Li, L.; Wang, Y.; Dai, P.; Wang, H.; Zhao, X.*, Hierarchicaltubular structures constructed from rutile TiO2nanorods with superior sodium storage properties. ElectrochimicaActa2016,211,77-82.

15. Gu,X.;Wang, Y.; Yan, L.; Li, L.; Dai, P.*; Wang, H.; Zhao, X.*,Metal-organic Frameworks Derived CoS2-Co/N-dopedPorous Carbon with Extremely High Electrocatalytic Stability forthe Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Int.J. Electrochem. Sci.2016,11,9575-9584.

16. Gu,X.;Yue, J.; Chen, L.; Liu, S.; Xu, H.; Yang, J.*; Qian, Y.; Zhao,X.*, Coaxial MnO/N-doped carbon nanorods for advanced lithium-ionbattery anodes. Journalof Materials Chemistry A2015,3(3), 1037-1041.

17. Gu,X.;Yue, J.; Li, L.; Xue, H.; Yang, J.*; Zhao, X.*, General synthesisof MnOx(MnO2,Mn2O3,Mn3O4,MnO) hierarchical microspheres as lithium-ion battery anodes.ElectrochimicaActa2015,184,250-256.

18. Gu,X.;Chen, L.; Liu, S.; Xu, H.; Yang, J.*; Qian, Y., Hierarchicalcore–shell α-Fe2O3@Cnanotubes as a high-rate and long-life anode for advanced lithiumion batteries. Journalof Materials Chemistry A2014,2(10), 3439-3444.

19. Gu,X.;Chen, L.; Ju, Z.; Xu, H.; Yang, J.*; Qian, Y., Controlled Growthof Porous α‐Fe2O3Branches on β‐MnO2Nanorodsfor Excellent Performance in Lithium‐Ion Batteries. AdvancedFunctional Materials2013,23(32), 4049-4056.

20. 顾鑫;徐化云;杨剑;钱逸泰:二氧化锰纳米材料在锂离子电池负极材料中的应用.科学通报2013,58,3108-3114.

21. Gu,X.;Li, X.; Xu, L.; Xu, H.*; Yang, J.*; Qian, Y., Synthesis of SpinelLiNixMn2-xO4 (x= 0, 0. 1, 0. 16) and Their High RateCharge-Discharge Performances. Int.J. Electrochem. Sci.2012,7,2504-2512.

  • 授权国家发明专利


