










  • 个人概况

朱明晓,博士,山东日照人,主持国家自然科学基金与山东省自然科学基金等科研项目9项,发表学术论文40余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表SCI检索论文20篇;申请国家专利12项,其中授权发明专利7项,参与制定中国电机工程学会团体标准2项。曾获浙江省科技进步一等奖、西海岸新区第三批紧缺人才、ACED2018“Outstanding Oral Report Award”IEEECMD 2014“Outstanding StudentAward”、西安交通大学第八届“学术之星”优秀奖等多项奖励。担任IEEETDEIIETSMT等期刊审稿人。

  • 研究方向





  • 教育经历




  • 工作经历


  • 主讲课程



  • 学术兼职

IEEE会员;中国电机工程学会会员;IEEETransactions on Power DeliveryIEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical InsulationIETScience, Measurement & Technology、高电压技术等期刊审稿人。

  • 承担科研项目










  • 获奖情况



3ACED2018“OutstandingOral Report Award”

4IEEECMD2014“Outstanding Student Award”


  • 代表性论文

[1]MingxiaoZhu,Jianyi Xue, Yanhui Wei, etal.Review of interface tailoring techniques and applications toimprove insulation performance[J]. HighVoltage,2021, DOI: 10.1049/hve2.12094. SCI/EI,综述论文

[2]Ming-Xiao Zhu,Qiu-Cheng Yu, Heng-Gao Song, etal.Rational Design of High-Energy-Density Polymer Composites byMachine Learning Approach[J]. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021,4, 2, 1449–1458. (SCI/EI)

[3] MXZhu,HG Song, JC Li, etal.Superhydrophobic and high-flashover-strength coating for HVDCinsulatingsystem [J]. ChemicalEngineering Journal,2021, 404: 126476. (SCI/EI).

[4] MXZhu,HG Song, QC Yu, etal.Machine-learning-driven discovery of polymers molecularstructures with high thermal conductivity [J]. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2020, 162, 120381. (SCI/EI)

[5] MXZhu,HG Song, JC Li, etal.Phase-field modeling of electric-thermal breakdown in polymersunder alternating voltage[J]. IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2020, 27 (4): 1128-1135.(SCI/EI)

[6] MXZhu,JC Li, HG Song, etal.A phase field model for the propagation of electrical tree innanocomposites[J]. IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2020, 27 (2): 336-342.(SCI/EI)

[7] JM Chen, YGao, MXZhu*,etal.Space charge dynamics in double-layered insulation cable underpolarity reversalvoltage[J]. IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2020, 27 (2): 622-630.(SCI/EI)


[9]MingxiaoZhu,YingGao, Jiming Chen, etal.Effect of XLPE/EPDM Interface on Space Charge Behavior in CableAccessory. IEEEAccess,2019, 7, 183554-183564.(SCI/EI)

[10] MXZhu,JC Li, HG Song, etal.Determination of trap energy in polyethylene with different agingstatus by molecular dynamics and density function theory[J]. IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2019, 26 (6): 1823-1830.(SCI/EI)

[11] MingxiaoZhu,Jiacai Li, Jiming Chen,et al.Improving thermal conductivity of epoxy resin by filling boronnitride nanomaterials: A molecular dynamics investigation[J].ComputationalMaterials Science,2019, 164: 108-115.(SCI/EI)

[12]Ming-XiaoZhu,Yan-BoWang, Ding-Ge Chang, etal.Quantitative comparison of partial discharge localizationalgorithmsusing time difference of arrival measurement in substation[J].InternationalJournal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2019, 104: 10-20. (SCI:GW6WX)

[13] Ming-XiaoZhu,Yan-Bo Wang, Ding-Ge Chang, etal.Discrimination of three or more partial discharge sources bymulti-step clustering of cumulative energy features [J]. IETScience, Measurement & Technology,2019, 13 (2): 149-159.(SCI/EI)

[14] Jiacai Li,Jiming Chen, MingxiaoZhu*,etal.Interfacial Characteristics of Boron Nitride Nanosheet/EpoxyResin Nanocomposites: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation. AppliedSciences,2019, 9(14): 2832.(SCI/EI)

[15]MingxiaoZhu,Jiacai Li, Dingge Chang, etal.Optimization of Antenna Array Deployment for Partial DischargeLocalizationin Substations by Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and GeneticAlgorithm Method [J]. Energies,2018, 11: 1813(1-18). (SCI:GQ6MQ)

[16]Ming-Xiao Zhu,Yan-Bo Wang, Qing-Liu, etal.Localization of Multiple Partial Discharge Sources inAir-Insulated Substation Using Probability-Based Algorithm[J].IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2017, 24(1): 157-166. (SCI:EO0PP)

[17] Ming-XiaoZhu,Qing Liu, Jian-Yi Xue, etal.Self-adaptive Separation of Multiple Partial Discharge SourcesBased on Optimized Feature Extraction of Cumulative EnergyFunction[J]. IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2017, 24(1): 246-258. (SCI:EO0PP)

[18] Ming-XiaoZhu,Qing Liu, Yan-Bo Wang, etal.Optimisation of Antenna Array Allocation for Partial DischargeLocalisation in Air-Insulated Substation[J]. IETScience, Measurement& Technology,2017, 11(8): 967-975. (SCI:FL9XL)

[19] Ming-XiaoZhu,Jia-Ning Zhang, Yuan Li, etal.Partial Discharge Signals Separation Using Cumulative EnergyFunction and Mathematical Morphology Gradient[J]. IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2016, 23(1): 482-493. (SCI:DG9KE)

[20]Ming-XiaoZhu,Jian-Yi Xue, Jia-Ning Zhang, etal.Classification and Separation of Partial DischargeUltra-high-frequency Signals in a 252kV Gas Insulated Substationby Using Cumulative Energy Technique[J]. IETScience, Measurement & Technology,2016, 10(4): 316-326. (SCI:DS0AR)

[21] Ming-XiaoZhu,Yuan Li, Yan-Hui Wei, etal.Influence of thermal degradation on surface dischargecharacteristicsfor oil-polypropylene insulation[J]. IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2015, 22(5): 2661-2668. (SCI:CW4VD)

[22]朱明晓,薛建议,张家宁,等.GIS局部放电特高频信号波形分析与特征参量提取[J]高电压技术,2017, 43 (12): 4079-4087. (EI:20181705046645)


  • 授权国家发明专利






