山东人,主要从事流体流动与传热传质,稠油热采理论与技术,深水浅层固化及水合物温定热力学,常规/非常规油气藏流体相态模拟与开发技术的研究,发表SCI/EI收录论文近10篇。 1. 流体流动与传热传质 2. 稠油热采理论与技术 3.深水浅层固化及水合物固化热力学 4. 常规/非常规油气藏流体相态特征模拟与开发技术 2016-09至2020-11,阿尔伯塔大学,环境与土木工程学院,石油工程专业,博士 2014-09至2016-05,南加利福尼亚大学,工程学院,化学工程专业,研究生 2009-09至2013-07,华东理工大学,中德工学院,化学工程专业,学士 2009-09至2013-07,吕贝克应用技术大学,中德工学院,环境工程专业,学士 2020年12月-今,小艾电竞,能源与动力工程系,团队博士后 ※ 发表论文 [1] Lu, C., Jin, Z., Li,H., & Xu, L*. (2021). Simple and Robust Algorithm forMultiphase Equilibrium Computations at Temperature and VolumeSpecifications. SPE Journal, 1-20. [2] Lu, C., Liu, H.,Guo, S., Guo, X., Zhang, R., & Hou, X. (2021). Modeling thePenetration Distance of Power-Law Cementing Fluid Transport inDeep-Water Weakly Consolidated Formation. Fractals. [3] Lu, C., Jin, Z., &Li, H. *(2020). Determination of Hildebrand Solubility Parameterfor Pure Hydrocarbons by Incorporating Temperature-DependentVolume Translation into Peng-Robinson Equation of State. TheJournal of Supercritical Fluids, 104945. [4] Lu, C., Jin, Z., &Li, H. A.* (2019). A two-phase flash algorithm with theconsideration of capillary pressure at specified mole numbers,volume and temperature. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 485, 67-82. [5] Yin, S., Wang, Z., Lu,C. *, & Li, H. (2020). Towards accurate phase behaviormodeling for hydrogen sulfide/water mixtures. Fluid PhaseEquilibria, 112691. [6] Zhong, J., Zhao, Y., Lu,C., Xu, Y., Jin, Z., Mostowfi, F., & Sinton, D. (2018).Nanoscale phase measurement for the shale challenge:multicomponent fluids in multiscale volumes. Langmuir, 34(34),9927-9935. [7] Hu, X., Deng, H., Lu,C., Tian, Y., & Jin, Z. (2019). Characterization ofCO2/CH4 competitive adsorption in various clay minerals inrelation to shale gas recovery from molecular simulation. Energy& Fuels, 33(9), 8202-8214. [8] Wang, Y., Shardt, N., Lu,C., Li, H., Elliott, J. A., & Jin, Z. (2020). Validity ofthe Kelvin Equation and theEquation-of-State-with-Capillary-Pressure Model for the PhaseBehavior of a Pure Component under Nanoconfinement. ChemicalEngineering Science, 115839. [9] Ma, C., Lu, C., Guo, X. Y., Guo, S. L., &Zhang, D. Q. (2012). Selection and lab research of retarder forphosphoaluminate cement. In Applied mechanics and materials (Vol.174, pp. 1317-1320). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.