◎学习与工作经历 2016年7月—今,小艾电竞 团队博士后 2012年9月—2016年6月,华东理工大学,博士 2009年9月—2012年6月,小艾电竞,硕士 2005年9月—2009年6月,辽宁石油化工大学,本科 ◎研究方向 高温结构完整性 ◎学术兼职 ◎主讲课程
1. Yu-Cai Zhang, Wenchun Jiang, Shan-Tung Tu*, Jian-Feng Wen, Wanchuck Woo. Using short-time creep relaxation effect to decrease the residual stress in the bonded compliant seal of planar solid oxide fuel cell – A finite element simulation. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 255: 108-115. 2. Yu-Cai Zhang, Wenchun Jiang, Shan-Tung Tu*. Simulation of creep and damage in the bonded compliant seal of planar solid oxide fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(31): 17941-17951. 3. Wenchun Jiang, Yu-Cai Zhang, W.Y. Zhang, Y. Luo, W. Woo, S.T. Tu. Growth and residual stresses in the bonded compliant seal of planar solid oxide fuel cell: Thickness design of window frame. Materials & Design, 2016, 93: 53-62. 4. Wenchun Jiang, Yucai Zhang, Yun Luo, J.M. Gong, S.T. Tu. Creep analysis of solid oxide fuel cell with bonded compliant seal design. Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 243: 913-918. 5. Wenchun Jiang, YuCai Zhang, Wanchuck Woo, S.T. Tu. Three dimensional simulation to study the influence of foil thickness on residual stress in the bonded compliant seal design of planar solid oxide fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 209: 65-71. ◎专利